Banyan Wellness 2025 Details


+ Prizes!

**Top Point Earners**
*Just like previous years, this is awarded to the employees with the most total points during the entire year. Information on how to earn points can be found in the category below.*

1st Place - $500
2nd Place - $400
3rd Place - $300

**Top Steppers**
*Awarded to the employees with the most steps each month in the step challenge. Information on how to join the step challenge each month is below.*

1st Place - $50
2nd Place - $25
3rd Place - $10

**Monthly Raffle**
*Two employees each month will be chosen at random for the raffle. To be eligible, you must participate in the Wellness Program in some way during the calendar month.*

2 Random Winners - $50 each

+ Monthly Step Challenge

Each month, there will be a new step challenge. Everyone who participates and has more than zeo steps will receive 5 points with top steppers receiving points based on the challenge type. You can use any type of step tracker including your phone, a Garmin, FitBit or an Apple Watch. As a reminder, the MoveSpring app requires you to open the app every 4 days to add your steps. To earn your participation points, you must have more than 0 steps.

For full details on how to join, please click here: Step Challenge Instructions

You do not need to submit anything for the Monthly Step Challenge. Once you join the Banyan MoveSpring you will be automatically added to each month's challenge.

+ Workouts

Workouts of all types count towards points in the wellness program. This includes going to the gym, working out outside, attending boot camps, going for a bike ride, using an exercise machine at home, gardening, going for a walk, etc. Do any combination of activities 8 times within a month and receive 15 points. If you complete a second (or third!) round of eight exercises, keep submitting!  You'll get 15 points per group of eight workouts in each month! All 8 must be completed during the calendar month, they won't roll over. You can only submit 2 workouts per day.

To submit your workouts, please go here: Workout Sets

+ Non-Corporate Events

In addition to the corporate runs, you can get points for any race in which you participate. This includes virtual events! Point values are as follows:

5K - 10 points

10K - 15 points

Half Marathon - 20 points

Full marathon - 30 points

Triathlon - 40 points

Iron Man - 50 points

If you are participating in an event that isn't listed, please submit it and it will still be worth points! This includes swimming races, biking races, etc.

To submit, go to this form: Other Physical

+ Monthly Reimbursement

Staying active can be expensive, so to help with costs you can submit for a reimbursement each month for any fitness or health related expenses. The reimursement is up to $30 per month. This includes gym membership dues (both Youfit and Planet Fitness have $10 options), running shoes, a jump rope, vitamins, supplements, massages, saunas, acupuncture, or anything else you spend money on to improve your health. In addition to the $30, you’ll get 10 points for each month you get a reimbursement. You can submit one expense for multiple months up to 3 months ($90).

Submit for your monthly reimbursement here: Monthly Reimbursement

+ Meditations

Since full-time employees have access to Headspace and Calm, you can submit meditations from either (or both) for points! Just like the workouts, you can get 15 points for every 8 meditation sessions you complete during a calendar month using the Headspace or Calm apps. Sessions of every length count, so just use the types that work best for you! Sleepcasts are a little different, but they count as well. Each Sleepcast (Headspace) or the Calm equivalent is worth 1 point and you can submit for up to 15 points per month.

To submit your sessions, please go here: Headspace Submission

Email Karin Dunne ( for your free membership.

+ Mental Wellness

For each activity, you can get 5 points, up to 30 points per month. Some examples of activities are acupuncture, meditation1, massages, saunas, yoga2, stress management classes, etc. You can also submit these activities for your monthly reimbursement.

Go here to submit for this category: Mental Wellness

Please remember that you or someone you know can always get assistance from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and/or the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741

1This is for meditation through something other than Headspace. Information on earning points through Headspace can be found in that section above.

2If you submit a yoga class through the Mental Wellness category, you can't submit it through workouts as well.

+ Corporate 5K’s

Corporate 5k's are back! Be on the lookout for emails from Karin Dunne on events in your region. You don't need to submit anything for these are participants will automatically get points.

+ Feeding America

Volunteering with Feeding America can get you 5 points per shift! You can get points for going with the company or on your own, so get a group together or bring you kids1! We are hoping to bring back Feeding America volunteer events in 2025, but you are still welcome to go on your own!

Go here to submit for this category: Feeding America

1Please check with the branch for minimum age requirements.